Page name: Undead Zoo! Plot room [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-15 02:22:10
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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Welcome to the Plot Room!


This is simply a page to discuss Plot points and ideas for the game, discuss what we like and don't like, ways to improve and so on.

1. Characters I'd like to have stay in Undead Zoo are (in no particular order) and I WILL cry if you delete them; (feel free to add characters you want kept)
Alex (He can't be deleted, I give immortality from his own creator!),
Fern(we need her, sorry ancient but you can not delete her!),
Abigail (come on, who doesn't love her?),
Rhett (I love that little sex beast too much),
Yue (even if she is in the background a lot)

Pretty much all but Wills characters are being kept.

2. Okay we discussed characters, what about Events that we liked and want to keep?

Crimson: The way Annabell found Alan, and the courtroom.

Bird: David and Yue met. Jace adopting Yuki and giving up on Anna, and the sad event (D.D.S) that brings Annabell and Jace closer again.
The arrest.
Pink death.

On going...

3. WHO WANTS A FRIEND?! (May or may not get it)

It has been decided! >:3

4. Should we have a special intro for Fern and Government / Special character intros? Unlike before we're you started were ever you wanted.

Answered; yes.

5.What characters should we start with ,sense we added some as we went along before, I don't think it would be wise to throw them all in at once. I need to know before we start!!

Jace, Alex, Alan, Drake, Lelia, and Jack have/ are about to be placed.

Undead Zoo!

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2016-08-04 [ancienteye]: That doesn't mean she's been soft to him. She tends to be respectful to those that aren't in her way or annoying her.

2016-08-04 [Kbird]: So they tolerate each other :P

2016-08-04 [ancienteye]: She isn't particularly soft with the Grecos and I'd like to think she more than tolerates them. XD

2016-08-04 [Kbird]: XD true.

Okay so if you guys want you can post what events you want to keep.

2016-08-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Up above?

2016-08-04 [Kbird]: yep under mine

2016-08-04 [Kbird]: short, sweet, and to the point.

2016-08-05 [ancienteye]: Night.

2016-08-05 [Kbird]: aww night.

2016-08-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Nighty night.

2016-08-10 [ancienteye]: Reread some old threads. Apparently we planned for Jace to decide to give up on pursuing Anna sometime after adopting Yuki and they don't finally get together until after...uh...a very tragic thing that I do not recall if Crimson knew about it happens... Does this still fit your plan, Kbird?

Also, the same thread described some aspects of training that was briefly touched upon in the RP but never fully explored because Will&Co ran off on another adventure before anyone finished the Run. But I have the messages saved into a folder marked UZ Training, so I have references of what I had planned to use in the restart. :3

2016-08-10 [Kbird]: Should we keep when the facility joining with Fern to try taking down Nova?

2016-08-10 [ancienteye]: A very temporary situation, sort of a single "enemy of my enemy" battle, if I recall correctly. XD

2016-08-10 [ancienteye]: I also recall that while David and Yue only got to know each other after meeting in the game, they had actually met one time prior when he was in a sugar rush and tackled her. Do we still want to reference that?

2016-08-10 [Kbird]: Yes and yes. XD

2016-08-10 [ancienteye]: Awesome. XD

2016-08-10 [ancienteye]: ...Huh?

2016-08-11 [Kbird]: What do you mean "Huh?"

2016-08-11 [ancienteye]: What's the "Who wants a friend" thing about?

2016-08-11 [Kbird]: XD I can't figure out a good area to start a character at, so which ever characters are listed as wanting a friend might allow me to figure out where the character should go first.

2016-08-11 [ancienteye]: Ah. XP

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